
Tuesday, April 29, 2014, Turin

Museo Nazionale del Cinema, Bibliomediateca “Mario Gromo”, Via M. Serao 8/A

“Dreaming Shadows” aims to propose a reflection on the deep and controversial relations linking the experience and the representation of the dream within the world of media.

Workshop Programme (h. 9.30/13.30)

Introduction by Peppino Ortoleva (University of Turin)

“Dormire, sognare forse …”: su alcune scene oniriche nel cinema delle origini //

[“To sleep--perchance to dream…”: on some dream sequences in the early cinema]

Silvio Alovisio (University of Turin)

Sogno e proiezione: psicologie del cinema nella cultura germanica (1911-1931)

[Dream and projection: psychologies of the cinema in the Germanic culture (1911-1931)]

Massimo Locatelli (Cattolica University, Milan)

Narrare un sogno, narrare un film

[Narrating a dream, narrating a movie]

Maria Teresa Palladino (Psychoanalyst, SPI member)

"Sign in and start dreaming": forme di circolazione ed elaborazione del sogno nei social media

["Sign in and start dreaming": circulation and elaboration of the dream in social media]

Valentina Re (University of Ca Foscari, Venice)

Sheldon Cooper sogna pecore elettriche? Sospensioni oniriche nella serialità televisiva contemporanea

[Does Sheldon Cooper dream electric sheep? Dream suspension in the contemporary television series]

Miriam Visalli (University of Torino)

Discussant Giulia Carluccio (University of Turin)

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