Thanks to the contribution of specialists from different disciplinary fields (early film history, television and new media studies, psychoanalysis), the theme of the seminar will be addressed from different but complementary points of view. In particular, the following issues will be the focus of the debate:

  • Dream experience / film experience:  film theory has frequently linked the state of the viewer with that of the dreamer. The paper by Massimo Locatelli (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan) will focus on the first attempts, made in the German area, to deepen the theoretical implications of this comparison.

  • Showing the dream: the representation of the dream in the audiovisual media is the product of the choices of composition that are often complex and constantly changing. The filmic representation of the dream is developed by the papers by Silvio Alovisio (University of Turin) on the relation between the dreamer and the dream in the dream scenes of early cinema, and by Miriam Visalli (University of Torino) on the construction of the dream scene in the contemporary television series.

  • Telling the dream: the contents of the dream are always object of a declaratory act, of a narrative mediation that makes them communicable. During the seminar two particular cases of dream tales will be deepened, respectively considered in relation to the cinema and to the web: on the one hand, the intervention of Maria Teresa Palladino, ordinary member of Società Psicoanalitica Italiana, will be dedicated to the narration of dreams by patients, comparing it with the stories of the films made by them; on the other hand, the intervention of Valentina Re (University of Ca Foscari, Venice) will deal with the stories of the dreams circulating in the web and widespread by specialized websites.

The seminar will be opened by an introduction by Peppino Ortoleva (University of Turin), while Giulia Carluccio (University of Turin) will act as a discussant during the seminar, stimulating the discussion among the speakers and between them and the public.

The seminar, promoted by the course of Theory and History of Media (Communication Sciences, University of Turin), in collaboration with the National Museum of Cinema, and with the Doctorate in Humanities – specialising Music and Performing Arts – (School of Humanities, University of Turin), is sponsored by Società Torinese di Psicoanalisi.

→ Conference Programme