Matthias Brütsch
Senior Lecturer at the Film Studies Department,
University of Zurich,
Matthias Brütsch is a graduate of the Université Paul Valéry in Montpellier, France, and of the University of Zurich, Switzerland. He is the author of Traumbühne Kino: Der Traum als filmtheoretische Metapher und narratives Motiv (Screening the Dream: Cinematic Metaphors, Oneiric Narration and the Function of Dreams in Film; Marburg: Schüren, 2011, PhD thesis) and a number of articles on film narratology and aesthetics. He has co-directed the International Short Film Festival Winterthur from 1999–2003, worked as a script analyst for the Zurich Film Foundation from 2003–2007 and has been a member of both the board of trustees of the Swiss Arts Council (2007–2011) and the promotion agency Swiss Films (since 2007). His research interests are: dream and subjectivity in film, narratology, dramaturgy, and short films.
Contact details
Seminar für Filmwissenschaft der Universität Zürich
Affolternstrasse 56
8050 Zürich, Switzerland
Tel. 0041 44 634 35 34
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Publication on the dream and related topics
Traumbühne Kino: Der Traum als filmtheoretische Metapher und narratives Motiv. Marburg: Schüren 2011.
Articles and chapters in books
Dream Screen? Die Film/Traum-Analogie im theoriegeschichtlichen Kontext. In: Winfried Pauleit et al. (eds.): Das Kino träumt: Projektion. Imagination. Vision. Berlin: Bertz + Fischer 2009, pp. 20–49. [Read online:]
Dream Screen? The Film/Dream-Analogy in Historical Context (transl. from German by Brian Currid and Henry M. Taylor). In: Winfried Pauleit et al. (eds.): Cinema Dreams: Projection. Imagination. Vision. Berlin: Bertz + Fischer 2009, pp. 18–48. [Read online:]
Kunstmittel oder Verleugnung? Die klassische Filmtheorie zu Subjektivierung und Traumdarstellung. In: Leo Karrer / Charles Martig (eds.): Traumwelten. Marburg: Schüren 2003, pp. 59–89.
Zur Ästhetik der Traumdarstellung am Beispiel des Kurzfilms REM. In: Vinzenz Hediger et al. (eds.): Home Stories: Neue Studien zu Film und Kino in der Schweiz. Marburg: Schüren 2001, pp. 323–334.