Christa Agnes Tuczay

foto tuczay


PD for Ancient German language and literature
University of Vienna,


Christa A. Tuczay studied German Philology, Philosophy, Psychology and Didactics at the University of Vienna. The focus of her studies was on medieval German literature and literature of the 19th century. She received her PhD in 1981 with a dissertation on The External Soul in Folktales. From 1981 on she was a research fellow at the Austrian Academy of Science in the project “Motif-Index of the Secular German Narrative Literature from the beginnings to 1400.” In 1991 she started to teach medieval literature at the department of German at the University of Vienna and has published studies on medieval magic, urban legends and revenants as well as numerous articles in journals and in the Encyclopedia of witchcraft. Her habilitation on Ecstasy in Context aimed at a cultural history of the phenomenon and was published in 2009. Major research interests include: Medieval literature under cultural studies aspects, history of magic, literature of the 19th century. Historical anthropology and psychology.

Contact details

PD Dr. Mag. Christa Agnes Tuczay
Luftbadgasse 17/3
1060 Wien
Tel.: 01/58 70 253
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Publication on the dream and related topics


Traumnarrative: Motivische Muster – Erzählerische Traditionen – Medienübergreifenden Traditionen. Vienna: Praesens Verlag 2018 (ed. with Thomas Ballhausen).

Kulturgeschichte der mittelalterlichen Wahrsagerei. Berlin: De Gruyter 2012.

Kulturstichwortindex zur weltlichen Erzählliteratur. Ergänzungsband zum Motif-Index. Berlin 2010.

Ekstase im Kontext. Frankfurt a. Main: Peter Lang 2009. [Habilitationsschrift]

Die Seele außerhalb in den Volkserzählungen, Diss. Wien 1981. Buchausgabe: Der Unhold ohne Seele. Wien: Halosar 1981 (=WAGAPH 18).


Articles and chapters in books

Träume von Verstorbenen: eine ontogenetisch alte Erfahrung. In: Christa Agnes Tuczay / Thomas Ballhausen (eds.): Traumnarrative: Motivische Muster – Erzählerische Traditionen – Medienübergreifenden Traditionen. Vienna: Praesens Verlag 2018.

Mittelalterliche Luftreisen im Kontext der Zauberei und Hexerei. In: Georg Hofer / Robert Schöller / Gabriel Viehhauser: Historische Räume. Erzählte Räume. Gestaltete Räume. Festschrift für Leopold Hellmuth zum 65. Geburtstage. Vienna: Praesens Verlag 2015, pp. 151-166.

Alb – Buhlteufel – Vampirin und die Geschlechter- und Traumtheorien des 19. Jahrhunderts. In: Christoph Augtustynowicz / Ursula Reber (eds.): Vampirismus und magia posthuma im Diskurs der Habsburgermonarchie. Vienna: Lit Verlag 2011, pp. 199-222.

Mystik und Drogen. In: Peter Dinzelbacher (ed.): Mystik und Natur. Zur Geschichte ihres Verhältnisses vom Altertum bis zur Gegenwart. Berlin: De Gruyter 2009, pp. 175-198.

Auf der Suche nach der verlorenen Zeit: Ufo-Mythos und Entrückungssagen. In: Times, Places, Passages, SIEF Conference Papers (2008).

Vampirismus. In: Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde 35 (2008), pp. 379-383.

Incubus and Succubus. In: Richard M. Golden (ed.): Encyclopedia of Witchcraft. Santa Barbara: ABC Clio 2006, vol. II, pp. 546-548.

Flight of witches. In: Richard M. Golden (ed.): Encyclopedia of Witchcraft. Santa Barbara: ABC Clio 2006, vol. II, pp. 379-382.

Trance diviners. In: Gábor Klaniczay / Éva Pócs (eds.): Demons, Spirits, Witches. 1: Communicating with the Spirit. Budapest: Central European University Press 2005, pp. 215-234.

Interactions with Apparitions, Ghosts, and Revenants in Ancient and Medieval Sources. In: James Houran (ed.): From Shaman to Scientist. Essays on Humanity's Search for Spirits. Lanham: Scarecrow Press 2004, pp. 97-126.

Incubus. In: Werner Wunderlich / Ulrich Müller (eds.): Mythen des Mittelalters. Band 2: Dämonen, Monstren, Fabelwesen. St. Gallen: UVK 1999, pp. 333-343.