Isolde Schiffermüller



Full Professor of German Literature,
Università degli Studi di Verona
Verona, Italy


Isolde Schiffermüller is a graduate of the Leopold-Franzens-University of Innsbruck (PhD in 1980) where she studied German Literature and Philosophy. Since 2006 she is Full Professor of German Literature at the University of Verona. Her research interests include modern and contemporary German and Austrian literature with a special focus on Stifter, Kafka, Bachmann, as well as the relationship between literature, philosophy and psicoanalysis. Over the years, she has been responsible for several research projects and she is now acting as supervisor for various PhD dissertations concerning the “dream studies” research field. She collaborated to the “Salzburger Bachmann Edition” (since 2016) whose first volume includes a comment on the author’s dream annotations from previously unpublished material. She is now working on a project regarding “The memory of dreams. On literature and culture after 1900“ and has organized several conferences in this field of study.

Contact details

Università degli Studi di Verona
Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere
Lungadige Porta Vittoria, 41
37129 Verona, Italy
Tel.: +39 045 8028478
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Publication on the dream and related topics


Traumtexte. Zur Literatur und Kultur nach 1900. Würzburg: Kӧnighausen &Neumann 2020 (ed. with Elisa Destro).

Ingeborg Bachmann, Male oscuro, Aufzeichnungen aus der Zeit der Krankheit. Traumnotate, Briefe, Brief- und Redeentwürfe. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp/Piper 2017 (ed. with Gabriella Pelloni).

C.G. Jung e lo scandalo dell’inconscio. Bergamo: Moretti&Vitali 2013 (ed. with Marco Gay).


Articles and chapters in books

‚Nur Trӓume kein Schlaf‘. Franz Kafkas Nachtwache. In: Isolde Schiffermüller (ed.): Traumtexte. Zur Literatur und Kultur nach 1900. Würzburg: Kӧnighausen & Neumann 2020, pp. 145-160 (with Elisa Destro).

Benjamins Traum vom Lesen. In: Peter Kofler / Ulrich Stadler (eds.): Lesen, Schreiben, Edieren. Über den Umgang mit Literatur. Frankfurt / Basel: Stroemfeld Verlag 2016, pp. 64-79.

Drei Steine. Zur Wahrheit der Träume in Ingeborg Bachmanns Malina. In: Isolde Schiffermüller / Fabrizio Cambi / Arturo Larcati / Giuliano Lozzi (eds.): Ingeborg Bachmann in aktueller Sicht: Perspektiven der Forschung. Roma: Istituto Italiano di Studi Germanici 2016, pp. 59-75.