Elisabetta Modena
Post-doc Researcher in History of Art,
Department of Philosophy “Piero Martinetti”,
University of Milan,
PhD in History of Art (University of Parma 2010), she is a postdoctoral fellow within the ERC Advanced Grant “AN-ICON” coordinated by Prof. Andrea Pinotti at the University of Milan.
Within the project, she studies the relationship between contemporary art and new technologies such as VR, and the different forms of immersive storytelling.
She has been a research fellow at CSAC of the University of Parma (2017-2018) as well as an adjunct professor at the Accademia di Belle Arti SantaGiulia in Brescia, University of Bologna and University of Milan. She is the author of the books: La Triennale in mostra. Allestire ed esporre tra studio e spettacolo (1947-1954) [The Triennale on show. Setting up and exhibiting between studio and show] (Scripta Edizioni, 2015) and Nelle Storie. Arte, cinema e media immersive [Into the stories. Art, cinema and immersive media] (Carocci editore, 2022). As a curator, she has organised national and international exhibitions (MAMbo, Bologna; MAXXI, Roma; CSAC, Parma; MSU, Zagreb). Together with Marco Scotti, she is the founder of MoRE (www.moremuseum.org), a digital museum dedicated to unrealised and refused contemporary art projects.
Contact details
Università degli Studi di Milano
Dipartimento di Filosofia “Piero Martinetti”
Via Festa del Perdono 7,
20144 Milano (MI)
Email: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!
Homepage: https://www.unimi.it/it/ugov/person/elisabetta-modena
Publication on the dream and related topics
Nelle storie. Arte, cinema e media immersivi, Carocci editore, Roma 2022, ISBN: 9788829011957
Giancarlo Grossi, Elisabetta Modena, “Immersive Monuments: Social Memory Processing in Video Games and Virtual Reality”, in “Le numerique comme environnement mémoriel/The Digital as Memory Environment”, Memoires en jeu/Memories at Stake, 14, Automne 2021, pp. 88-94.
Elisabetta Modena, Francesco Parisi, Exploring Stories, Reading Environments: Flow, Immersion, and Presence as Processes of Becoming in “Cinergie – Il cinema e le altre arti”, N.19 (2021), pp. 69–82, ISSN 2280-9481, https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.2280-9481/12399
Elisabetta Modena, Immersi nell’irreale. Prospettive an-iconiche sull’arte contemporanea dall’ambiente alla realtà virtuale in “Carte semiotiche. Rivista internazionale di semiotica e teoria dell’immagine”, Annali 7. Figure dell’immersività a cura di L. Corrain e M. Vannoni, settembre 2021, pp. 71-78. ISSN: 2281-0757
Elisabetta Modena, Andrea Pinotti, Making Room for the Story. Storytelling and Interaction in Virtual Environments in “Imago. Studi di cinema e media”, “Narrative Architectures: Bodies, Spaces, Technologies in Contemporary Media Experience” a cura di E. Carocci e A. D'Aloia, anno XI, n. 2, secondo semestre 2020, pp. 195-214. ISSN: 2280-9244, DOI: 10.1400/285848, http://digital.casalini.it/10.1400/285848
Elisabetta Modena, Andrea Pinotti, Sofia Pirandello, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality New Tools for Art and Politics, in “Paradigmi: rivista di critica filosofica”, 2021-04 (1), pp. 87-106. ISSN 1120-3404; doi: 10.30460/100230
Elisabetta Modena Andrea Pinotti, Humanitarian VR as 360° Autopsy: Empathy and Sympathy in Immersive Storytelling in «Kodex: Jahrbuch der Internationalen Buchwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft», 2020, 10, pp. 145-162.
Elisabetta Modena, Il “Piano B” degli artisti. Casi studio da MoRE, Museum of refused and unrealised art projects, in “piano b. Arti e culture visive”, [S.l.], v. 1, n. 1, pp. 188-212, 2016. ISSN 2531-9876. https://pianob.unibo.it/article/view/6513.
Edited journal issues
360°. The Environmental Image in the Visual Arts between Virtual and Augmented Reality, journal issue edited by Elisabetta Modena, Sofia Pirandello and Andrea Pinotti, “piano B. Arti e Culture Visive”, 2021. ISSN 2531-9876 https://pianob.unibo.it/issue/view/1041